Tim McMullen's Missives and Tomes

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Encounter with Maury and Jim

This completes my reminiscences about Maury Muehleisen
and Jim Croce. They were truly two of my musical heroes
as songwriters, guitarists, storytellers, and performers.

I wrote "Favorite Song" as an homage to the song style
of Croce and Muehleisen only a few months before the
the tragic plane crash that took their lives.

Favorite Song by Tim McMullen

Favorite Song

You may well become my favorite song,

With a beautiful form and a beautiful style.

Your words are enough to make me smile

And enough to make me want to sing along;

I haven’t felt that in a long, long while.

You may well become my favorite page;

So many-colored pictures scattered there.

Pout and giggle, shout and stare:

Challenging the feeble chains of age

With a gentle beauty I am pleased to share.


So often I have been so close to you—

Supposed to do what I’m expected to—

It’s likely you’ll not know this song’s for you.

You may well become my favorite star,

A little bit of heaven in my night.

If I wish I may, I wish I might

Thank you for just being who you are

And for chasing weary shadows from my sight.

Repeat Chorus, then repeat first line of each verse...

And I haven’t felt that in a long, long while.

© 1973 Tim McMullen

All Rights Reserved

This is a track from my CD, I Could Write You a Song, produced by Tim Clott and I. The song was recorded by Bino Espinoza.

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