Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saving Social Security: Both the program and the larger concept of SOCIAL security.
My friend, Ben Rich, wrote the following comment on a post that I shared about Social Security:
This is a very serious problem, not only for our generation, not only for senior citizens (now). Think about our children, now working, looking toward their own retirement. I certainly think that people should save and invest. But, real incomes are in decline making it harder to save and invest. What will our children face after 30 - 40 years of work?
You are right, Ben. We really need to come at this problem from both ends. Workers used to have pensions; after working for forty years for a company, they had expectation of a modest pension and their Social Security. In other words, part of what might have been their "pay" went into company pensions and another part of their pay went into Social Security. CEO's made ten to fifteen times what an ordinary worker made.
Then, in the late 70's-early 80's, everything changed. People who had worked their way through the company from the stock room to the board room became irrelevant because knowledge of the particular business was supplanted by knowledge of "business," and rather than spending forty years with a company, top level executives could move from running a cardboard box manufacturer to a soda company to a pharmaceutical company without any knowledge of that particular business. More importantly, those changes were made more and more often so that the "boss" had no real familiarity with the company or its personnel. Employee loyalty was no longer valued, and the perks that helped to engender that loyalty, like pensions, health benefits, etc. were rapidly eliminated.
As a result, companies immediately had much more profit and fewer responsibilities to the employee. Rather than sharing this largesse with the workers, that increased wealth went to the management and stockholders. Then, under Reagan, corporate mergers, creative bookkeeping, and contract breaking under Chapter 11 bankruptcies, tax havens, drastically lower tax rates for corporations and the wealthy allowed even further erosion of income for the middle class and the working poor.
The so-called "market" has become a rigged game that has nothing to do with Adam Smith's conception of capitalism. Those at the top agree to give themselves an ever larger share of the pie while reducing everyone else's share, and they pay politicians to grease the wheels for this unjustified transfer of wealth.
The cap on Social Security at barely over $100,000 dollars has the average worker pay a significant percentage of their income into the pool while the truly wealthy pay a pittance in comparison. Furthermore, those who make much of their income from investments pay a much lower tax rate than those who do the work of this country. At present, companies are rewarded for outsourcing jobs or downsizing, when "downsizing" merely means those who are left do much more work for the same or less pay.
We need a real movement to regulate financial markets, make boards and CEO's responsible to both stockholders and employees, get unlimited anonymous money out of politics, make corporations and industries responsible for the actual damage that they do to the environment and prevent that damage from continuing, and drastically strengthen the social safety net for children, workers, retirees, the infirm, and the downtrodden. We need to stabilize the banking and financial industries so that fraud and foul play cannot jeopardize a lifetime of savings in one quick downturn. We need to control medical costs so that one illness cannot destroy a lifetime of savings. We need to have a fair wage so that people can even begin to accrue a lifetime of savings.
The irony and the tragedy of our current state of affairs is that we were on a hundred year run toward realizing these progressive ideals when we were train-wrecked thirty years ago by uncontrolled greed. We can set the train back on the tracks, but first, we have to realize that it has actually jumped the tracks. The current powers that be are doing their utmost to convince those of us on the train that despite all these bumps and crashes we are still on the tracks. A vast majority, of course, realize that the profiteers and exploiters are wrong, but we are not yet convinced that it is within our means to right ourselves. It is within our means to set things back on the correct, progressive path, but the longer we wait, the harder it will be.
free market,
social security,
Monday, November 11, 2013
Honoring OUR Veterans on Veterans' Day
Mel McMullen, WWII gunner
Jim McMullen, WWII pilot and career USAF officer
Mel and Jim with their father, our grandfather, James McMullen, WWI veteran.
Jennifer and Mel McMullen, former National Commander of CBI (China, Burma, India) Veterans' Association and member of the Distinguished Flying Cross Society.
Today, and everyday, we honor you, not merely for your military service, but for being who you are and for helping to make us who we are. Thank you!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween—"Through the Darkness"
Through the
Darkness (Nosferatu)
Through the darkness eyes came
Like a torch to guide her way—
Like a fire through her soul—
And they seemed somehow to say,
“Through the
darkness I will lead you—
Only trust and you
will know
Just how much I
really need you,
And why I can’t
let go!”
Through the darkness of the shadows,
Something tapping at the pane;
Though her heart begged her to run,
She knew she would remain.
The hunger in her
lover’s eyes:
Like a dream
inside a dream—
Like a knife blade
through the silence—
Like a scream
inside a scream!
In the mirror in the moonlight,
She can see her trembling face.
In the mirror she’s alone in an
empty room,
But she feels his warm embrace.
“Through the
darkness I will lead you—
Only trust and you
will know
Just how much I
really need you,
And why I can’t
let go!”
As he knelt there at her bedside,
She knew her will was gone,
And she felt just like a stranger
looking on.
The hunger in her
lover’s eyes:
Like a dream
inside a dream—
Like a knife blade
through the silence—
Like a scream
inside a scream!
In the mirror in the moonlight,
The door is broken down,
But they can’t explain how the lady
Or the blood at the neck of her
But through the darkness
Her eyes come shining
Like a torch to guide your way—
Like a fire through your soul—
And they seem somehow to say,
“Through the
darkness I will lead you—
Only trust and you
will know
Just how much I
really need you
And why I can’t
let go—
How much I really
need you...
I need.........”
Performance from the Steve Gillette Songwriter's Workshop, Saturday Evening Concert, March 25, 2012
Tim McMullen,
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Don't Let the Cons Con You into Decimating Social Security
We need to stand strong and united. The assaults on Social
Security, Medicare and Medicaid are real, and they come from both sides of the
aisle. The excuse for attacking these essential, social safety net programs is
the "dreadful deficit," which, of course, was created from a budget
SURPLUS and was the direct result of many errant policies.
Though some Democratic Representatives have endorsed a few
of these policies, most are the direct result of Republican ideology and
policy: unjustified military actions and unnecessary military spending (often
on programs and equipment that the military has explicitly said that it does
not want or need); huge tax decreases for the wealthiest corporations and
individuals; unnecessary and unwarranted subsidies for some of the wealthiest
industries; egregiously unfair tax loopholes—available only to the wealthy—that
allow many of the wealthiest corporations and individuals to avoid warranted
taxes; totally misguided and faulty deregulation of the financial sector that
lead to several drastic economic downturns, especially the most recent
"great recession"; the "no-strings-attached" economic
bailout of those most directly responsible for the economic collapse which has
left the worst actors in better shape than before their fraud-induced collapse
while leaving most of the country still devastated by economic loss; a
completely unrealistic cap on Social Security contributions; six years of
political sabotage and stalemate from the minority party outspokenly intent on
destroying any chance of significant job recovery or health care reform merely
to gain political advantage; and very significantly, a cynical media assault on
Social Security, Medicare, and government in general, designed to mislead
several generations into believing that there will be nothing for them in the
future, that they should abandon all interest in wider society, that
privatizing everything gives them a better chance, and that they should care
about nothing but their own interests, and, of course, by example, that lying,
cheating, and stealing are simply necessary methods for success and that the
rules limiting these methods should be loosened or eliminated.
The chained CPI, a method of conscientiously miscalculating
downward the needs of retirees so as to significantly reduce their benefits in
the future, is actually a drastic, negative change. Before Social Security is
touched, before Medicare and Medicaid and a hundred other programs that have
already been diminished by political blackmail, extortion, brinkmanship, and
disingenuous compromise, we need to rebuild the middle class and our social
safety programs by reversing all of the failed policies mentioned above. Only
after we have raised the income threshold on Social Security; only after we
have reduced our outrageous and unnecessary military spending, including
bringing the "Big Brother" surveillance regime under control; only
after re-regulating and better regulating the financial sector; only after
significantly reducing tax loopholes and subsidies for the wealthiest should we
even begin to consider cuts to social programs.
Should we attempt to eliminate fraud in social programs and
tax policies? Absolutely. That naturally requires more regulation and
regulators, not less as the Republican congress and media echo chamber have advocated and accomplished for many years. Furthermore, we need to bring real
criminal charges against those who actually committed or condoned fraud and
worse, offering jail time, not just pittance penalties—people have been out of work
for years now as a result of this malfeasance, and these criminal corporations
are asked to pay only a few days income in fines? There is real injustice here,
but many of those in Congress have fought tooth and claw to prevent their
financial backers from being held accountable, choosing instead to wreak havoc
on women, children, the elderly, workers, immigrants, and the poor. If we all
demand that they make other more fair and equitable changes before tampering
with the few programs actually designed to benefit the common man, maybe they
will listen.
I encourage you to sign the petition from Bernie Sanders whether it comes from Sen.
Bernie Sanders, Alliance for Retired Americans, Campaign for America's Future,
Campaign for Community Change, DailyKos, Democracy For America, The Other 98%,
Progressives United, Social Security Works, USAction or any other organization
or politician endorsing the protection of Social Security and Medicare.
"The Greatest Threat to Democracy is Hypocrisy! Seek
Truth! Speak Truth!"
Tim McMullen
Tim McMullen
chained CPI,
social security,
tax loopholes,
Thursday, October 24, 2013
A Nod to Walt Kelly & I Go Pogo—"We have met the enemy, and he is US!"
My last post on Facebook included a video about the media distortions and mob think to which we are so easily lead; when posted elsewhere, it got the response, "Well, I guess that's why the govt. sees us all as sheep."
My response— I think that you are right: many in the government do see the people as sheep. This story is the very opposite of government manipulation, but it may expose, as you suggest, why so many politicians and those who pull their strings think of us as such.
Although some jury awards have seemed overboard, and although frivolous or nuisance lawsuits can be used unfairly, the "Tort Reform" movement is cynically motivated by the same treacherous greed and perpetrated by the same corporate criminal interests that oppose all regulation of business. In a society ruled by true laissez faire (let business do whatever it wants with no government interference) and caveat emptor (let the buyer beware), the scoundrels and the sociopaths always have the upper hand.
Tort reform; deregulation; term limits; the "religious" right to refuse insurance protections to employees; union busting; the corporate right to intrude on employee's personal lives; gag orders in legal settlements; the absurd but shrewd idea that corporations are people and money is speech; the gutting of the Voting Rights Act; the unscrupulous purging of voter roles; the enactment of new registration and voting requirements that intentionally suppress voting; "No new taxes...ever!"; the cutting or eliminating programs for those in need while heaping incredible subsidies or bailouts on those who illegally foreclose on peoples' property or pollute and destroy the environment; unjustified and illegal wars pursued on false pretenses: All of these are part of the same movement, aided by the corporate controlled media, designed to decimate the middle class. A peasantry set at one another's throats for the few remaining crumbs really is a sensible goal for a ruthless, anti-social, plutocratic oligarchy.
The fact that so many of those elected to positions of power actually subscribe to a conflation of Ayn Rand's hypocritical social Darwinism and a misinterpretation of MIlton Friedman's "business has no moral responsibility except to make money" is due, for the most part, to the carefully cultivated cynicism, apathy, and cowardice of the American people who have come to care more about the new "American Idol," the latest "Survivor," or the latest irrelevant sexual scandal or lewd celebrity pictures on the net than they care about the running of our government or the welfare of our society and our world.
As a result of willful ignorance, intellectual ennui, and a nagging but indefinable sense of aggrievement, the populous is easily manipulated and roused to incomprehensible and often uncontrollable anger over calculated and intentionally distorted or spurious claims by demagogues (Ted Cruz being the latest puppet of the Right, though the left have theirs as well). After a few hours or occasionally even days of engagement, of course, the angry mob subsides to its disinterested apathy once again.
WE ARE the GOVERNMENT, but in so many ways we have allowed our selfishness, cowardice, ignorance, and apathy to turn over our responsibilities and our interests to those who care little for the actual needs of the country but for whom ruthless self-interest and self-righteous hypocrisy are most useful tools.
"The Greatest Threat to Democracy is Hypocrisy! Seek Truth! Speak Truth!" Tim McMullen
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Making it Look EASY!
An early celebration of Jennifer McMullen's birthday with Carolyn Swanson and Mel, Kevin, and Tim McMullen at Scott's Seafood Restaurant in Costa Mesa last Thursday.
As we were leaving the establishment, the young hostess who had initially been informed of Mom's birthday (hence, the free chocolate cake and candle) came running over to Carolyn and said, "Is that her? Look at how fast she moves. There's no way that she's 89!"
As we were leaving the establishment, the young hostess who had initially been informed of Mom's birthday (hence, the free chocolate cake and candle) came running over to Carolyn and said, "Is that her? Look at how fast she moves. There's no way that she's 89!"
Way to set the bar higher for all of us, Jennifer.
Here's to a great 89th Birthday, Jennifer... Aunt Marie... Granma... Mom!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
A Monumental Docket of Minimal Rulings from a Hopelessly Divided and Partisan Supreme Court
There should be a lot of justified rejoicing in California and around the country with the striking down of the grossly and ironically misnamed "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) and allowing the striking down of Prop 8 in California to stand (due to a technicality of legal standing).
"The AC-DC Sock-It-To-Me Talkin' Blues"
"The Governed's Mental Getcha'"
Yesterday, the court admitted that racial discrimination and voter suppression continue to occur; they simply said that since the original list was made so long ago, and even though Congress re-approved it only six years ago after lengthy and detailed analysis of the current situation, Congress will have to create a new list. Until the new list is created, any state, no matter how bad their record or how recently their attempts to disenfranchise minority voters, can implement any schemes they devise to prevent minorities from voting, and the only way to stop them is through a lawsuit which can take many years to move through the courts. The courts recent rulings on class-action suits makes this method even more suspect as a way of preventing voter disenfranchisement.
This is the most activist and partisan, pro-business/anti-individual court in the last fifty years, and they are absolutely aware of the political implications of their decisions. They have calculated that under this demonstrably dysfunctional Congress that new list cannot be updated, perhaps for decades, so, while declaring the Voting Rights Act constitutional, they have, for all intents and purposes rendered it useless.
On the surface they appear to have done the right thing with DOMA and Prop 8, but again, their underlying machinations are problematic. DOMA was flagrantly discriminatory and unconstitutional, and they acknowledged this fact. This will be a huge boon to same-sex couples when it comes to federal rights in states that accept same-sex marriage, but in this decision and in Prop 8, they appear to have declared this a "states-rights" issue; therefore, according to these rulings, it may still be constitutional to ban gay marriage in individual states, and it may be constitutional for those states to continue to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. As a result, the federal government may also be able to deny federal protections (pensions, tax benefits, etc.) to same-sex couples in those anti-gay states. In other words, the Feds can't make a law outlawing same sex marriage; that would be unconstitutional; but the states can ban it, and the feds could create regulations that mimic the states.
"Talking Herstory"
These "narrow" rulings on clearly national issues are disingenuous, manipulative, and cowardly. "States' rights" rulings use the same rationale that recognizes Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade as the constitutional law of the land, a right to contraception and abortion that cannot be taken away by the government, yet they allow the individual states, as when Missouri attempted to limit birth control, or as Texas attempted last night to all but eliminate access to abortion as a practical reality, while not altering its constitutionality per se.

"The Greatest Threat"
Tim McMullen
Monday, May 13, 2013
The "Eyes" Have It...Celebrating Sixty-Seven Years of Marriage!
Carolyn and Tim had the pleasure of Mel and Jennifer's company all last week (and vice versa). As you know, M & J do everything together, so when their eye doctor told them that they both needed cataract surgery, they scheduled them for the same day. Tim picked them up and brought them to Rowland Heights on Monday, took them to the surgery in Ontario on Tuesday (They were quite a hit in the Kaiser outpatient surgery), and to the post-op check-up on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday they relaxed: Mel worked on the video of their recent trip to China, Tibet and Mongolia on their laptop. Jennifer caught up on e-mails and played games of chance on her iPad.
On Saturday, Mel, Jennifer, Carolyn and Tim went to the Mark Taper Forum to see an excellent version of Joe Turner's Come and Gone directed by Phylicia Rashād.
After the play we had dinner at Babita's in San Gabriel (a great, gourmet "Mexicuisine" restaurant) to celebrate the McMullen's 67th wedding anniversary. We had a delicious dinner, and we all enjoyed the complimentary anniversary flan.
As you can see they both seem completely recovered from the surgery and in high spirits. Today, May 13, is the actual anniversary of their wedding. Married 67 years and still going strong. They are an inspiration to us all. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Yet Another Story From the Past for the Present
A short story by
Tim McMullen
just a buzz... a kind of gnawing sound, that's all. I can't explain it. I
just feel it... buzzing…here!” He lifted his torso from the couch and
thrust his outstretched fingers against an area on his forehead just above
his nose, disturbing the beads of sweat that had collected there; his
eyes sought Weston's with an angry plea. “You gotta' help me!
It's getting worse!”
It was
a torturously hot day, and, typically, the air conditioner was out. Dr.
Philip Weston had just opened the windows of his fourteenth floor office
when Fanning had entered. The fellow had been in the office nearly five
minutes, and he had been raving continuously since he'd seated himself on
the psychiatrist's couch.
was experiencing the same reaction he always encountered with a new
patient. He wished that they could all be like the "old timers,” the
long-term patients who had learned not to expect so much. If they could
just accept the process and not be so hung up on "the cure”—but it
was always the same: the same old denial, "I'm not crazy! There's
nothing wrong with my mind!"; and the same old whine, "Help me,
Doctor! You've got to help me!”
he realized that his imagined words had coincided with the words and tone and
supplication of Fanning, his new patient. He opened his eyes just in time
to meet the intense and painful gaze of the man. He looked to be in
his early to middle forties, with close-cropped dark hair; flecks of grey
salted his temples and crown. When he wasn't speaking, Fanning's mouth
drooped open peculiarly, almost as if it were trying to speak against his
will, and his eyelids, though apparently closed, fluttered uncontrollably.
For most of the last five minutes, however, he had been
speaking, albeit in an agitated, stumbling cadence. The words
lurched forth three or four words at a time, and his rambled
narration was anything but lucid.
far, in fact, Weston had not really decoded any of the man's exposition.
Instead, he simply sat and stared at the man's eyes. The eyes themselves
were very unremarkable; they were a typical light brown, and the shape and
size were also ordinary. But the look.... Deep in those eyes Weston saw
something that both gratified and alarmed him. He had probably read the
phrase a hundred times in stories and novels, and perhaps even in a
case study or two, but he had never actually encountered such
a phenomenon. Now, however, he had no doubt; if there was such
a thing as "tortured eyes,” this fellow definitely had them.
... " Weston drawled and then paused as he tried to pull his
attention back to his patient's still unidentified problem. After all, the
fellow was paying for the hour. Holding his pencil and pad near his chest,
Weston flapped his arms a couple of times in an effort to get air to his
perspiration-soaked armpits. "It really is a scorcher, isn't it, Mr.
Fanning? Sorry about the air conditioner...Isn't that just the way,
remained motionless on the couch and did not speak.
said Weston, trying another tact, "sometimes it helps to run through
the details a second time. It helps us make certain that the facts are
straight, and it helps you to articulate more clearly what you feel is the
you the..."
I know, but slowly and calmly now,” interrupted the doctor. “Start at the
beginning and just talk it through again."
I'm a neurobiologist! I'm not some loon off the street!" replied
you, Weston observed silently, but his face was a mask of reassurance.
never been to a psychiatrist in my life ... and I never needed to,
either!" Fanning made a move to scratch his head, but his hand halted
in mid-flight; apparently puzzled, he gazed at it for a moment then laid
it back at his side.
“I've tried
five doctors, and they all say the same thing: 'No reason for that
bleeding, Mr. Fanning. You're fine. Nothing wrong with you ... physically!
Nothing a little peace and quiet won't cure." Fanning spoke calmly
and quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, but his eyelids and his
fingers twitched convulsively. "Peace and quiet," he sneered,
raising his voice. "Doctor, I haven't worked in nearly two months. I
haven't seen any friends for weeks. Christ, I haven't done anything for
days but sit and listen to it gnawing away. I CAN'T STAND IT
ANYMORE!" Fanning clenched his graying brown hair in his fists,
threw his head against the twill beige of the couch, and let loose
a sob.
fine! A screamer, thought Weston. He turned his back and rolled his eyes.
Recovering himself, he cooed, in his best couch side manner:
now, take it easy. Take it easy, Mr. Fanning. We can't help you unless
you're willing to help yourself. We have got to work as a team." He
reached over and patted the man's shoulder, an expedient to which he
resorted only in extreme cases. He noticed a wad of cotton stuffed in
Fanning's ear. "Now then, let's go back to the first time you
heard this...uh...uh...buzzing."
turned back and lay with his eyes closed; his body was more relaxed, and
he spoke now in a hoarse, whispered monotone.
quieter now ... not so bad... I can think. What ... what did you ask
asked you when the buzzing began,” replied Weston.
yeah,” Fanning said, but he gazed off distractedly with a puzzled look, as
if he were a student trying to work out a difficult mathematical problem.
His face was uplifted and his eyes were nearly closed so that Weston could
see only the whites peeking from under the still flickering
lashes. “Funny,” Fanning continued, “When you touched my shoulder....
" His voice trailed off, and he looked at Weston.
said Weston.
yeah. I've been thinking about when it started. I'm not sure. It kind of
crept up on me, you know? One day, about two months ago, I realized there was
this noise. I figured it was the air conditioner or the fluorescent lights
or something. Stevens and I were in the lab. It was real faint,
but piercing ... you know ... like fingernails on a blackboard from a
half-a-block away. It just kept... A-A-A-H-H! A-A-A-A-H-H-H!"
eyes slammed shut as he screamed, and his face went ashen. He squinted so
relentlessly and clutched at his brow so furiously that, for a moment, he
looked as if his entire face was being sucked into his eyes.
Weston viewed the stricken man with alarm. Fanning had been so calm, so
lucid, that Weston had nearly forgotten the seizures. He reached out,
almost instinctively, for an unprecedented second time. Much to his
surprise, the tortured man's writhing subsided at the touch. Weston felt
an ominous tremor run through his own body, and he was forced to fight
back a wave of nausea as he removed his hand.
even more drained and vacant than after the previous seizure, Fanning
whispered rapidly.
and I used to talk. It bothered him sometimes. 'You and I both know it's
the only way,' I'd tell him. 'They're doing it! You think they're
worrying?' He'd close his eyes and say, 'Yeah, I know.'“
excuse me, Mr. Fanning. I take it you and Mr. Stevens work together. Just
what sort of work....”
sorry, Dr. Weston, that's classified military information. Besides,
Stevens doesn't work anymore, doctor. He's dead.”
I'm... I'm sorry,” said Weston, slightly mortified.
long ago were these conversations to which you were just alluding?”
died nearly ten weeks ago ... Just about the time.... "
suddenly beat at his scalp with his clenched fists. “IT KNOWS!” he
pad and pencil dropped from Weston's hand, and his mouth gaped open as he
stared at his patient. Fanning jumped up from the couch and stood
babbling, his eyes fluttering spasmodically. The cotton wad had dislodged
from Fanning's left ear and had fallen to the floor. Blood spilled out of
his ear. It ran down his shirt and onto the carpet. Fanning continued his
crazed, stumbling monologue.
watched him die. 'No host!' he screamed. I saw him...out the window...
eyes darted around the psychiatrist's office. Frantically, they searched
and searched, seeking but not seeing. Then he moved. Weston felt pinned to
his chair. Despite his confusion and alarm, he had been piecing together
small fragments of sense that he had gleaned from the poor creature's
AHH! AHH!” shrieked Fanning. He threw his head back in agony. “It
knows...“ he whimpered, blood gushing now from his nose as well as his
ears. “Stevens ... Stevens must have succeeded, but he never had ti ...
dropped to his knees. Only then did he notice the blood pooling on the
carpet. Like a phantasm from some Vietnam vet's nightmare, his
blood-spattered, tear-drenched face grimaced convulsively then suddenly
“Stevens...I understand! No
host ... can't live ... “
Weston saw the man move, and he understood his intent. Hurling himself
from his chair, he moved to intercept Fanning's flight.
screamed. Then, with miraculous agility, he coiled and lunged through the
window, screaming, "Yes! Y-E-E-S-S-S! N-O-O-O-O-!”
had reached the spot in time to grab at Fanning's leg as he disappeared,
but not in time to save him. His hand had merely grazed the man's leg,
but in that instant, he had heard Fanning's triumphant "Yes"
transformed into a “No” of despair. In that same instant, as his
fingertips grazed the dying, flying man, he, too, felt it!
million chalkboards and a billion fingernails screaked through what had
been his brain. Weston peered wildly around the room. Chainsaws ripped his
cranium, choking and chomping their way through the bone. He flicked his
tongue over his suddenly moist upper lip and perceived the peculiar, salty
taste of blood that had already begun to trickle from his nose.
he shrieked into the intercom. “Call the Paramedics!" Instantly, the
heroic examples of his two tragic predecessors, Stevens and Fanning,
entered his mind, and he realized his deadly error. He tried to scream,
"Don't come in…Don't let them come in," but he could not lift
his hand to press the button of the intercom. As he lay, aware that
his consciousness was rapidly waning, he realized that he was
perhaps the only man still alive with the knowledge and power to
destroy the deadly virulence, but even as the thought insinuated
itself upon his mind, he knew it was already too late ... much too late....
©1985 Tim McMullen
All Rights Reserved
short story
Another Short Story From the Past For the Present
short story by Tim McMullen
As he reached out, he
envisioned the scattered fragments of appendages; however, when he turned the
sponge over, he saw nothing but a mere black speck on the blue surface. He held
the sponge under the stream of the faucet and watched the remains swirl down
the sink drain.
Tom Jenkins had always felt
uncomfortable when he killed an insect. A sad, queasy feeling tremored from his
stomach to his throat, and he often apologized aloud.
“Sorry, buddy,” he would say,
“but you just wouldn't listen to reason!”
In fact, he often did try to
reason with them; that is, he gave them a chance by trying to herd them out of
the room. Spiders were the easiest: He just picked them up by their web or got
them to crawl on a kleenex, and then he walked them outside. And flies could
usually be coaxed out the door merely by his waving his hands and blocking
their flight.
“No, really! Thomas tries to
rehabilitate them and give them a college education,” his ex-wife would chortle
to friends as she lashed out to swat a fly or squish a spider.
Now he just stood there with
the water streaming down the drain. After turning off the water and wringing
out the sponge, he heard the drone of the clock radio from the bedroom. He used
the radio's “snooze bar” mechanism to indicate the time in ten-minute
“And now, here's Joanna with
an environmental update….”
“The President,” the radio
bubbled in buoyant feminine tones, “obviously elated over his latest tactical
triumph, said,
'Industry must be given a
chance to fulfill their responsibilities without a bunch of uninfor….’”
“Must be 6:20,” Jenkins
mumbled to himself, and he hurried off to tap the button.
Ten minutes later, standing
in front of the bathroom mirror, he reflexively caught his nose between his
thumb and forefinger and pinched his nostrils closed.
“Damn! The stench of that
dump is getting
worse,” he muttered.
When he and Anita had moved
into this new housing complex, they had been unaware that a dump was situated
nearby, if you could call over four miles away “nearby.” Then, about three
years ago, he and his neighbors had begun to notice a pungent though not
unpleasant odor, a smell resembling strong orange blossoms, wafting
sporadically through the air. Eventually, someone had linked the smell to the
dump, and the mystery had been solved. The smell was no longer orange blossoms,
however. Tom experienced a sudden olfactory deja vu: he remembered a blast of
dank, musty air gasping past him as he opened the ragged, rotted, wooden door
of an old shed on his grandmother's farm. He had never gagged before, and he
staggered; a sour, fetid stench flared his nostrils, and he fled from the shed
and the sight of the dead cat's rotting carcass.
This morning, the malodorous
miasma from the dump was a cross between that decomposing cat and one of those
portable chemical toilets after it's been sitting in the hot sun for several
days. He'd have to call Ted from the Tenant's Association about the outcome of
their last meeting. He almost wished that he had been there. They had really
pressured him to join them in their campaign against the refuse reclamation
“C'mon, Tom, you're the
perfect person,” Ted Rainer, the association president, had pleaded.
“Yeah, Tom,” added Jill Benton,
peering out through glasses whose lenses grotesquely magnified her mottled
hazel eyes. “You're a lawyer. You can talk to the people from the government
and make 'em understand how bad it is.”
“Yes…yes…well, I'd like to
help,” he had stammered, “but I… I…just don't have the time right now.”
It was true. His caseload was
quite heavy right now, and it would be hard for him to squeeze the extra time,
but that wasn't the real reason. The fact was that he just wasn't a joiner.
Besides, what did he know about it? People took it for granted, “Oh, you're a
lawyer? Well, can you tell me about…my dog, my aunt, my boss, my doctor, my
leg, my food, my car, my landlord, my fishing pole, my dump?” Tom laughed at
his list. He was only a junior public defender. What did he know about dumps or
dog food? Nevertheless, the stench from the refuse disposal site was getting
more odious; there was certainly no doubt about that. Maybe he really should
call Ted and find out how things were going.
The traffic report clicked on
as he cut a swath through the lather on his right cheek. He listened for a
moment to the banter of the deejay and the copter pilot. Reassured that there
were no major pileups on the freeway, he walked briskly to the bedroom.
“…that although the bill had
passed unanimously during last year's reelection campaign, a majority of the
committee's members, after some aggressive lobbying from industry, reversed its
vote and killed the bill. “
“Business as usual, I see,”
Tom Jenkins observed cynically. “Somebody unhappy about something, I'll bet.”
His hands dripping water and his face full of lather, he nudged the snooze
alarm with an elbow and went back to the bathroom.
That sad, queasy sensation
swept over him again as he gazed from the sink to the windowsill. A line of
black writhed back and forth in random movement.
“Jeez! Where the hell did you
come from?” he muttered.
He reached out instinctively
with his hand to sweep the inch-thick line of ants into the sink. Then,
thinking better of it, he grabbed a washcloth from the rack in the shower,
soaked it in the tub faucet, and then went for them.
In a second or two he had
cleared the windowsill. It was easy to spot the doomed vermin as they broke
rank and scampered across the muted pink tile and the dusty rose calico of the
wallpaper. As he rinsed the little, brittle, black bodies into the sink, he
pondered whether it was more merciful to wash them down with hot water or cold
water. If they were still alive, would the hot water scald them? Maybe, with
cold water, they could survive in the pipes? The thought pleased him. He didn't
necessarily want them dead ...he just wanted them out of his house!
“This is ridiculous, fellas!”
he said, wiping the final remnants from the basin. “What the hell has gotten
into them?” he wondered aloud as he rinsed the remaining lather from his face.
He was sitting on the side of
bed putting on his left shoe when the radio sounded again:
“We're in your corner,” sang
the jingle, “We're on your side...”
“Uh-huh,” Tom grunted
“We know what you need, and
we make it with pride!” the chorus tittered.
“Well, this is what I need!” he said, reaching over and
pushing the bar to silence the ad.
His liberal, socioeconomic
sensibilities had been slightly appalled when these giant corporate
conglomerates had first begun to advertise.
“Another fine product from
your friends at 'Whateveritis'” or “Remember us? We're 'Whoeverweare!’”
“Talk about 'antitrust,'“ he
had quipped to George Sherman while watching an ad on security's little T.V.
during a recess. “How can one company own tractors, chewing gum, textiles,
sanitary napkins, canned fruit, plastic containers ...?”
By this time, however, he was
no longer alarmed at their diversity; nevertheless, the absurd incongruities
were still amusing. Pretty soon the whole country would be run by an oil
company, a soft drink conglomerate, and an insurance company.
With his “Haveaniceday”
coffee mug in his right hand and his suit coat draped over his left, he glanced
at himself in the full length mirror on the back of the closet door. He was
meeting with the department head to talk about a promotion, so he had dressed
carefully. Some of the guys in the department were too casual… some were
downright slovenly. If this promotion didn't come through, he had actually
contemplated going over to the D.A.'s office. At least those fellows took their
appearance seriously. He set the cup on the dresser and slipped on the coat.
This was his blue Brooks Bros.; he had bought it two years ago and had used it
only for special occasions like today. The coat hung well, and it still looked
With eyes closed slightly, he
waggled his head back and forth at the neck, craning it forward and tipping it
back. A little stiff, but not too bad. Stepping closer, he examined his face.
Although he'd been careful, he did find a bit of dried shaving cream just
behind his right ear. As he picked at the crusty, white flecks, he noticed that
the hair around his ears was beginning to edge closer; it had only been two
weeks since his last haircut, but it just might be time for another. Finally
satisfied with his inspection, he picked up his coffee cup, flipped off the
bedroom light, and walked down the narrow hall.
With his finger still on the
hall light switch, he edged sideways into the kitchen; then, he flicked the
hall light, pulled the door shut, and turned.
“H-O-O-O-L-L-Y-Y SHIT!” he
sang out loudly.
The cup fell from his hand
and bounced across the floor; the coffee splashed, but Tom barely noticed it.
The entire kitchen was black. The light from the overhead kitchen lamp was
muted, but the morning sun filtered through the drawn curtains. His first
impulse was to turn and run; instead, he vaulted the window and threw the
curtains open. Pulling away, he clapped his palms together and then examined
them in the roseate light of the window.
Ants. Although legs and heads
had been mashed together on his palms, the remains of the carcasses were
identifiable, and some were still moving. One large black ant flailed his
forelegs frantically in an apparent effort to drag his crushed body out of
danger. His demonstrative antennae fluttered wildly in some secret ant
semaphore. Feeling slightly nauseated, Tom wiped his palms on his suit pants.
Now the walls caught his
attention. The kitchen was a writhing mass of ants. They were everywhere and on
everything. The refrigerator and the stove, once white, were no longer
distinguishable from what had been yellow walls and cabinets: Everything was
black and moving.
Already, he could feel them
on his legs and in his shoes. He kicked at the floor with his foot as if to cut
a path through the ants, but to little effect. He ran to the window and tried
to slam it closed. Instantly, his hands were again covered in the wriggling,
tickling things. He felt them flooding up his sleeves. Thrashing furiously and
beating at his arms, he sprang to the service porch and looked for a way to
fight them off. The porch, if anything, was even deeper in ants. After a moment
of heightened alarm, he grabbed a broom and a giant can of insect spray. Both
objects were covered in ants.
Pulling the lid off the can,
he aimed the nozzle at the windowsill, and holding it only a few inches from
the ants, he sprayed.
At first, the mist blew a
space in the advancing horde, and he actually saw a few of them swim for a
moment and then stop moving. Instantly, however, the empty space was filled
with new recruits. Rather than deterring them, the dead bodies merely served as
steppingstones over the poison-drenched sill, and the monsters swarmed in by
the thousands. Dropping the empty can, Tom Jenkins swatted at his neck and
arms; and then, he brushed at his face with both hands as if washing with ant
He grabbed at the black,
ant-covered broom; whirling around, he swept at the floor in wild, exaggerated
movements. He found that by brushing back and forth as rapidly as he was able,
he could keep clear about a three-foot circle. If he could hold his own for
just a minute, he reasoned, the ants would get wind of the danger and halt
their advance. Now that he had overcome his initial shock, he entered the
battle in earnest. He got a rhythm going.
at the floor, then one/two at the cabinets.
One/two/three/four/five/six—one/two—one/two/three/four/five/six—one/two! He
gained confidence every moment; the ants were faltering. He increased his
circle of unoccupied territory to nearly four feet, and one of the cupboard
doors was nearly clear.
Stepping backward to increase
his attack, he inadvertently placed his foot on the dropped coffee mug, and the
jolt sent him sprawling. Instantly, he felt a terrible pain, and he realized
that he had cracked his head against the corner of the stove. He felt the warm
ooze at the side of his head, and he slumped to the floor.
“NO!” he screamed, but when he opened his mouth, he felt the dirty
little things crawling allover his lips and tongue. He spat, “Phah! Phah!” and
sealed his lips tightly. He could feel several of the ants wriggling between
his lips as he crushed them closed.
Only half-conscious, he made
feeble attempts to stop the ants' advance. Like the cup and the appliances, he
was now completely submerged in the crawling sea of ants. As they poured into
his ear canal, they made a sound like horses on sandpaper roller skates. He
opened his eyes for an instant then blinked them closed, but it was too late.
Ants streamed across his eyeballs, and the room grew dark. He tried blinking
rapidly—he rubbed at his eyes with his fists—but the ants were too much.
His head throbbed
mercilessly, and it felt sticky somewhere. One of the advance guard entered his
left nostril; Jenkins snorted furiously, but more ants followed instantly. He
could feel their progress: waving their little legs and antennae about, they
lurched forward, tentatively, into his nasal passages. Breathing had become
almost impossible. He snuffed, and then gagged as several ants were sucked up
into his sinuses. He opened his mouth to gasp for breath and then involuntarily
swallowed a mouthful of the crawling invaders.
No longer able to move, he
felt them scurrying across his eyeballs, scrambling into his nose and down his
throat, scrabbling deep into his ear. Then, through the sound of their
continuous onslaught and his own stertorous breathing, he heard the click of
the radio.
“Next alarming report
on honey-bees, but first….”
“We're in your corner,” sang
the jingle, “We're on your si....”
©1985 Tim McMullen
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, February 14, 2013
"Such a Simple Thing" Happy Valentine's Day!
I submit this year's Valentine song with a video that is a
bit of a departure. It uses brief snippets of rudimentary green screen/color
keying, but more significantly, it uses text to tell a some of the story of our
April Fools' Day wedding announcement, our wedding day affixed to our Annual
Half-a-Dozen Crazy Cousin's Easter Feaster Weekend Celebration, and our
subsequent "honeymoon" in Hawaii. Most of the images are from an album that no one else has
seen, and I am guessing neither Carolyn nor I have seen for at least twenty
years or so.
As I have explained elsewhere, Carolyn and I met in 1969,
when I was newly married and transferred from Whittier College to Chico State
so that my bride could continue at Chico, and I could complete my B.A. and
teaching credential. The first day I was there, my wife, Jan, was scheduled to
perform music at a concert with Dan, Carolyn’s boyfriend and soon-to-be
husband. Carolyn and I sat on a bed in a dorm room and talked while Jan and Dan
rehearsed. Two years later, Jan and I graduated and returned to Whittier. Three
years after that, following a very amicable divorce, I submitted my resignation
and retired from teaching, packed my car with my instruments and travel
essentials, and set off to try to make a living playing music. While visiting
Santa Rosa to see if my brother Tucker wanted to join me in this venture, I
made a visit to my ex-wife, who was back in Chico, and, while there, became
reacquainted with Carolyn who was also at the end of her marriage. After a few
weeks, I said to Carolyn, "I am returning to Southern California to get a
job. I would love to have you join me." She came for a visit in December
of 1974, staying with me at my cousin’s house in Laguna. Four months later, she
came down for good, and we have been together ever since.
Having both been married before, and having no religious
notion attached to the ceremony, we could find no reason to remarry. From the
day that she moved in, because of our love and personal commitment, we were
more married than most couples, regardless of ceremony. It was nearly eight
years later when Carolyn was taking a paralegal class in probate law (and I was
sitting in) that we realized the ridiculous discrimination and undue burdens
placed on committed couples who were not legally married. This is one of the
reasons that I have been so outspoken for so long about the rights of same-sex
couples to the legal benefits and protections of marriage.
On the spot, we simultaneously arrived at the conclusion
that the most expeditious thing to do would be to get married. We didn’t want
to make a big thing of it, however, since we had already been together eight
years. We had always considered April as our anniversary month, but we never
really had a set date. We naturally realized that April 1st would be the
perfect day for our marriage. We decided to get married by a local justice, but
the Whittier Court only did marriages on Fridays. We had to wait just over a
year for April 1st to land on a Friday. It was quite fortuitous, really, because,
had we missed that day but stuck to our plan, we might have had to wait as much
as six more years for the right day to roll around.
We asked our friend’s Dick and Betty Harris to be witnesses,
and we told no one else. Carolyn created a very clever wedding announcement
that was sent to arrive on April 1st. That announcement is the opening of this
video accompanied by the beginning of my song, “April Fools.” Our cousin,
Beverly McMullen, not really sure what to make of the note, came to the Whittier
Municipal Court and took a few pictures of the event. Those pictures are also
included in the video.
We then traveled to Big Bear, California, to share our
wedding weekend with our cousins, Sam and Becky (McMullen) LaRocca, in their
parent’s cabin. The pictures that Becky took are also included in the video.
Finally, we traveled to Hawaii for our “official” honeymoon, thanks, in part,
to a wedding gift from my parents.
A few of those pictures are here as well.
We hope that you have a Fun and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Such a Simple Thing
Such a simple thing
As your hand in mine
Becomes the perfect
Or this wedding ring
As our lives entwine
Another perfect
And this song I sing
Seeks in every line
Another perfect
A token of our love
A pledge forever more
With thanks for what we’ve had
And joy for what’s in store
Such a simple thing
Warm, sweet eyes that shine
Another perfect
For the love we bring
Is the love we find
Another perfect
A token of our love
A pledge forever more
With thanks for what we’ve had
And joy for what’s in store
If fate were such that at its end,
They offered one more chance,
My one request, Dear Carolyn,
Again to join you in that dance
Such a simple thing
As your hand in mine
Becomes the perfect
For you soothe life’s sting
With a love so fine
My thanks to you
Dear Valentine
And this song I sing
Seeks in every line
Another perfect
©2013 Tim McMullen
All Rights Reserved
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